Growth Strategy
- How do I ensure that marketing and sales are working together collaboratively?
- How am I capturing feedback from the market in real time and incorporating it into my strategy?
- What is the client management process that will drive retention and client revenue growth?
- What is an appropriate pricing and structure?
- How do I generate quality top of funnel leads?
- What metrics and KPIs do I use to measure effectiveness?
- What strategies do I employ for customer retention and growth?
- How do I define stages for my opportunities to ensure an accurate pipeline and forecast?
- What information do I need to capture on each opportunity?
- What SMEs are needed during the sales process, when, and who?
- What collateral and pitch decks are needed to fully support the sales process?
- What collateral is needed to fully support account management with retention and client
revenue growth?
- Is the incentive comp plan appropriate and is it driving the right behaviors?
Growth Team
- Do I have the right people with the right skill sets?
- What tools does my team need to perform at their best?
- What tools are a waste of money?
- Are the sales and account teams fully coordinated to ensure maximum client growth?
- How do I define the responsibilities of each team member within sales and account
- What is the structure and organization of my sales and account management teams?
- What training and development programs do I need to equip my team with the necessary skills
and knowledge?
- How many reps do I need, what should their territory be, and where should they be located?
Value Prop
- Does my value prop deck clearly communicate my offering and how it aligns to the needs of
my target market?
- Do I have all the collateral my market facing team needs?
- Are we clearly communicating how we save (or make) a client money?
- How am I differentiated from similar offerings in the market?
- What specific problem does my offering solve?
- What evidence or testimonials support the effectiveness of my solution?
- What level of support do I offer to ensure a positive experience for clients?
Target Market
- Which segments of the market should I target (Payers, ERs, TPAs, etc)?
- Who are the users and who are the buyers of my solution?
- What does the competition look like?
- What is the TAM?
- Where is my target market geographically located?
- What are the pain points of my target audience?
- What are the barriers that might prevent my target audience from buying?
- Where are the opportunities to get in front of my target audience?
Lead Generation
- Where should I spend my money to generate high quality leads?
- How do I maximize results?
- What is my pre and post conference outreach strategy?
- How do I measure success?
- What events should I exhibit at, which should I only attend, and which should be eliminated?
- What is my elevator pitch at my booth?
- In 30 seconds, how do I clearly communicate what we do and how we help?
- Should I insource or outsource business development?